What are my next steps!?!?
The Next Steps! As an educator, I know I want my students to be well-rounded in every aspect when they leave my classroom. At the beginning of the semester, before I delved into the research on social literacy, I thought that literacy just focused on reading and writing. I thought I was just supposed to have word walls and encourage my students to write within the math classroom. This project has allowed me to really reflect on my literacy degree and my current teaching practices. Social Literacy has taught me in order to be socially literate, my students must successfully use interpersonal collaboration, cooperation and become familiar with cultural norms. When connecting thinking about social literacy within the math classroom, I discovered many tools that can benefit the students both inside the classroom and outside the classroom. A few tools I found helpful in enhance social literacy within my classroom are blogs, wiki classrooms and e-pals. Blogs offer the opportunity ...